
sweet/tart seattle is inspired by the idea that balance is essential to food, as in life.

Photo credit: Leah Dankertson
Stesha Brandon is a reader, former professional baker, and thrower of parties. She lives in Seattle with her husband, where they keep chickens and garden.
I developed this recipe (as well as these lemon cardamom cookies) to showcase the honey from my friend Bob’s hives at Urban Bee Company. having grown up with the 'honey bear,' I had never really thought about honey as a flavoring agent in and of itself. it was always just a sweetener that I added to my tea (or my whiskey) when I was feeling a bit under the weather. but when I subscribed to Bob’s honey CSA, I discovered that each month’s honey had a distinct flavor profile depending on where the hives were situated in the city. if the bees have been foraging on wild fennel, there was an anise-seed finish to the honey. the honey from south Seattle had a citrusy start, but ended with an almost piney finish, as there were evergreens near the hives.